Relaxation is a Muscle

I remember growing up I could lay around in the summer for hours at a time.  Headphones on, book open or just laying with my hands behind my head. Relaxation was the easy part!  

Fast forward to present day…should my wife Casey and I get away for a night or a day without the kids, the first three hours are usually packed with 9 different activities till we realize there is no clock!  There is no timeline or deadline and so we start to take deep breaths and slow the pace.

Writing this on the eve of our annual appreciation golf tournament I know for the first 3 holes tomorrow I’ll be tapping my foot, mind racing of all the things that could be getting done at the office or needing to be done at home.  With luck, by hole 4 or the turn, I’ll be preoccupied with the sad state of my golf game but at least I’ll be more relaxed.

Relaxation is a muscle. If you don’t use it, you forget how to, or it gets weak.  It needs exercise, maintenance and attention like anything else that is important in life.  

With that, I hope you have a great relaxing weekend!